Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The sweat and hard work was all worth it...

I just received a photo from a Thai friend, of the well that the Project ENP team helped to build in the village of Hui-bak-bak during our April-May expedition.

Simple happiness lies in knowing that in a short span of three days, we turned the swamp (see below) of mud, mosquito-breeding stagnant water, and overgrown trees into......

A sheltered well that is 3 m by 2 m by 1.5 m deep, and now serves as a complementary source of clean water for a village of 250 people that is 6 hours drive away from urban civilisation. This photo was taken in May shortly after we left and the well is brimming with clean water now.

The next Project ENP team is heading off in April-May next year to continue volunteer and reforestation work with the Elephant Nature Park, and work on similar projects at other villages being supported by the Park.

If you have what it takes to join the team, especially documentary and film-making skills, then please drop me a personal message!

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