Friday, July 24, 2009

What does it mean to be a friend?

I'm not someone who loses my temper easily. But when I do, there's always a good reason for it.

I lost it over a friend whom I've always looked up to for her beliefs and convictions. She was one of the reasons why I sought God again this year because if there is someone who truly understands the meaning of walking with God in her journey, it's her and she has inspired me.

But then, she always has the knack of jumping into commitments without thinking of the effects it has on others, even on herself. When something untoward happens because of that, someone has to clean up the mess. Someone has to pay the piper.

And yet, she's doing it again. One too many times. And this has shook my impression of her. How can someone like her waver so much in her convictions? It's hypocrisy!

I shared this with a friend yesterday. And her response is: My anger clearly showed that I still care for this friend. If I didn't care, I wouldn't have wasted my breath and lost my temper.

Perhaps old feelings die hard but to me, the most important thing is that she knows what she is doing and she is willing to bear the consequences of her actions. I'm not her father and I'm in no position to dictate the way she should live her life.

As a friend, for now, I can only support her in doing the things that make her happy.

But that also arises the question of: What does it mean to be a friend to others? Do we just keep out of the way and let a friend continue doing whatever he\she is doing even though it's wrong? Or are we willing to make a stand for a friend because we care?

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