Friday, June 29, 2007

Off to the Land of Kimchi

In a few hours' time, I will be flying off to Korea to attend CM2007, the largest Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC) conference ever with thousands of delegates from all around the world.

I've been looking forward to this, not just because of the chance to visit a country that I've always wanted to go to since my secondary school days, but because of the opportunity to meet people from all over the world.

The Singapore delegation is around 240-strong, consisting of CCC staff and students from SMU, NTU, NUS, RP, and SP. Half of us will be flying to Busan straight while the other will be transiting at Incheon International Airport near Seoul before taking a domestic flight to Busan.

I'm with the other half so it will be a while before I hit the streets of Busan.

For the past week, I've gradually let me heart settle down and be more sensitive to His word. Reading from the book of Joshua and Mathews, I've chanced upon this powerful verse:

"I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way before you." (Mathew 11:10)

Prophets, inventors, scientists, entrepreneurs, economists, missionaries, among others, all come under the category of people who are the pioneering engines of change. As much as the world is not perfect, without these people, we will never have the current systems in place that has allowed Man to reach today's heights of success.

I'm sure He will teach me more at the conference. =)

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